About Us
Gold Trading Invest was incorporated in 30th March., 2019 and it has continued to grow and prosper since that time.
Gold Trading Invest was one of the few finance companies which met all of its obligations to depositors on due date through this very difficult period.
Gold Trading Invest owns General Finance and also owns Investment Research Group, a well-known investment services and research firm.
The directors and staff of Gold Trading Invest are proud of our record of servicing both borrowers and depositors and we welcome the opportunity to work with you to help you achieve your financial objectives.
We offer our investors access to high-growth investment opportunities in the financial markets through the utility of state-of-the-art technical facilities and the implementation of industry standard cryptocurrency trading strategies. We are pleased to offer some of the most dynamic and high-performing investments services available.
We will maintain a consistent decision making process within the organization and invest responsibly as a major investment firm. By looking for market inefficiencies, we determine the gap between the optimal price and the current market price of the asset, and produce excess revenue. We look for investment opportunities through intensive research, analysis and insight. With a continuous and consistent investment approach and extensive risk management, we aim to steadily reach our investment goal. We combine our deep knowledge of local markets with the power of coordinated global oversight to drive better investment outcomes for our investors.
With employees in more than 40 locations worldwide, our operations extend across global financial capitals and important regional centres. This brings us closer to our investors around the world, and provides invaluable asset management and investments services to our investors. We combine our deep knowledge of local markets with the power of coordinated global oversight to drive better investment outcomes for you.